Wednesday, September 11

In The Sick of It – Assembly George Square

In the interest of transparency, I must declare from the start that I worked as a nurse in the NHS for over forty years.  But this show, which I will struggle to define adequately, is by no means of interest only to NHS workers.  We all use the NHS, we all care about the NHS, we all complain about the NHS and we all agree with the values of the NHS – “free at the point of need, providing care from the cradle to the grave.”  Not only would everyone be entertained, amused, informed and moved by this show, but I almost feel attendance should be mandatory!

“In the Sick of it”, presented by Wake the Beast, is a fusion of laugh out loud comedy, serious drama, audio newscasts, recorded interviews, audience participation, and some pretty cool music and crazy dancing.  The two actors taking us on this journey (apologies for using the “J” word), are the utterly brilliant Kemi Coker and Adam McGuigan, whose energy and charisma grabbed the audience and kept us hooked from the first minute they came on stage. 

The show is the result 500 interviews with NHS and Social Care staff, recorded over four years, and a collaboration with  London’s Whittington Hospital.  Wake the Beast were invited by Emily Thornberry to perform this piece for policy makers in the Houses of Parliament in 2023, and in 2024 it was workshopped in 10 NHS Trusts.  “In the Sick of it” is a continuation of a previous project, “In Our Words”, capturing the challenges and dedication of healthcare workers during the pandemic, and some of the interviews made for the original project are included in this one.

Written and directed by Adam McGuigan, this is an important piece of theatre, which should be seen by everyone.   Never has an hour long piece of theatre provoked so many emotions in so short a time.  And what is theatre for, if not to move you?  You will cry, and as the tears are still wet on your cheeks you’ll become helpless with laughter, only to get angry and indignant, before chuckling at one of Kemi’s facial expressions or singing out loud to the music.  The whole show is a tour de force of pitch perfect timing, very fine acting and an imaginative blend of high energy farce and tender poignancy.  I urge you to see “In the Sick of it”, you will never forget it.

Reviewer: H.S.Baker

Reviewed: 15th August 2024

North West End UK Rating:

Rating: 5 out of 5.