Tuesday, September 17

2 Truths, 1 Lie – Hoot 1 @The Apex

2 Truths, 1 Lie has all the best bits of stand-up comedy with a bonus in the form of an interactive gameshow. The show was created by Simon Caine and included three comedians and one host.  The host was called Tattoo Dave, who managed to entertain the audience not only with his own jokes but also with some excellent crowd work.  After picking his victim Tattoo Dave managed to quickly spin a regular conversation into something the whole audience could laugh at. This broke the fourth wall, easing any tension the audience might have had and prepared them for the first act.

The first of the three comedians to take to the stage was the marvelous Rachel Morton-Young. Her comedy displayed how she was a traveler at heart moving all around Europe before settling in Holland. Young was incredibly relatable, hitting at topics both the younger and older audience members could relate to. We then got to hear her truth (or lie) and then Tattoo Dave took over and presented the next performer.

The second performer was Kate Smurthwaite, she exuded confidence, and her gestures had perfect comedic timing. Smurthwaite’s comedy covered topics of religion, sexuality and politics. Topics that could have divided the audience but with Smurthwaite’s delivery seemed to crack them up instead.

After delivering her truth/lie Tattoo Dave picked up the discussion, fueling and engaging the audience. After already hearing two potential truths or lies, opinions had already been formed and murmurs spread around the room as the more competitive members spoke.

The last but certainly not least to take to the stage was Simon Caine. With an air of quirkiness and anxiety he told a story many would burn in embarrassment retelling and yet could totally relate to. Proving that a simple scenario can also be hilarious.

After hearing everyone’s potential lies the audience were totally immersed in the experience and long gone were the original awkward silences, someone even voiced that maybe they were all lies? After all the guess work throughout the show we were handed back to Tattoo Dave who helped reveal the liar. The show was a total hoot, that can test one’s intuitive abilities. It is worth noting the show is held at multiple locations such as Le Monde, Ghilie Dhu and The Yurt, tickets are available at: https://tickets.edfringe.com/whats-on/2-truths-1-lie

Reviewer: Marcelina Kruczynska

Reviewed: 15th August 2024

North West End UK Rating:

Rating: 4 out of 5.