Tuesday, October 8


Complete works of William Shakespeare (Abridged) – theSpace @ Surgeons’ Hall

Complete works of William Shakespeare (Abridged) – theSpace @ Surgeons’ Hall

The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged), performed by the talented trio from 3 Witty fools—Sam Milner, Barnaby, and Henry Williams—delivered a whirlwind of laughter and sheer entertainment. Based on the book with the same title, this show is a condensed and comedic take on all of Shakespeare’s plays, and the team did a fantastic job bringing it to life on stage. The show kicked off with a hilarious rendition of Romeo and Juliet, setting the tone for an evening filled with clever humour and lively performances. Juliet’s exaggerated reactions to Romeo’s declarations of love were side-splitting, and her over-the-top manner of ending her life was a highlight, leaving the audience roaring with laughter. The chemistry between the performers was undeniable, and their ability t...
Swamplesque – Assembly Hall

Swamplesque – Assembly Hall

Shrek themed burlesque sounds like the premise for a show which could either be very good or very bad. Thankfully, Australian cabaret troupe Trigger Happy Productions have the skills and confidence to make this show both entertaining and impressive. After a stern announcement reminding the audience that this is in no way connected with DreamWorks, the show starts with a bang. Trigger Happy imbues the role of Shrek with an infectious pizazz, whether he's high kicking in sequins or coyly peeping out from behind a feathered fan. This energy is more than matched by Tash York as Princess Fiona, who showcases a powerful voice in two solos. Drag king Rainbow takes on the role of Lord Farquaad, arriving on her knees for comic effect. She has a wonderfully expressive face, which adds to the ...
Out of Woodstock – Underbelly, Cowgate

Out of Woodstock – Underbelly, Cowgate

Follow a young man’s descent into one of the worst festival disasters in recent history. Its legacy is rooted in an unleashing of Millennial anger.   Baby Boomers enjoyed the summer of love, with Woodstock 69, united in their quest for peace and harmony. Thirty years later the attempt to recreate this significant cultural event, with Woodstock ’99, brought about overpriced beer, boobs, and misogyny. This play intrigues, based on real life events during the infamous music festival which ended in carnage and controversy. Poor organisation and dollar hungry management created a ticking timebomb as revelers exploded in the accumulation of sweltering unbearable heat, poor sanitation, serious sexual assaults, looting and several deaths. Written and directed by Tom Foreman,...
Bills 44th – Underbelly, Cowgate

Bills 44th – Underbelly, Cowgate

Mr Bean meets Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared in this heartwarming Tragi – comedy, an existential tale of being alone, but never lonely. Have you ever been to a party where there’s more balloons than people? No? Then you’ve never spent a birthday with Bill, who’s getting his modest flat ready to celebrate his 44th birthday.   Puppeteering duo Dorothy James and Andy Manjuck in association with Underbelly deliver a thoroughly entertaining piece of laugh out loud storytelling. Working in unison, James and Manjuck’s seamless, skillful control of Bill, creates a range of funny identifiable mannerisms and reactions, which add to Bill’s natural draw and likability. The physicality speaks a thousand words.   The sold-out reactive audience showed instant warmth for Bill, evident from...
Antonio’s Revenge – C ARTS, C-Alto studio

Antonio’s Revenge – C ARTS, C-Alto studio

Antonio’s revenge starts as it means to end with plenty of bloodshed and murder. Bad guy Piero Sforza has murdered Andrugio and Feliche junior with plans to marry Andrugio’s wife and gain more power in the process but first he must take care of Andrugio’s son/ his soon to be son in law Antonio. In this Elizabethan play written by John Marston one can expect:  violence, sex, revenge and some very impressive acting. The text as one can expect is like Shakespeare’s: hard to follow through word alone but the performance is so well acted and directed that these actors could be merely speaking the language of the Swedish Chef, and we would still have a clear idea as to what is going on. It’s fast paced and within the first few moments of the play we have our first death by poison and...
My English Persian Kitchen – Traverse Theatre

My English Persian Kitchen – Traverse Theatre

World Premier A unique play involving the live creation (and ultimate consumption) of a popular Iranian soup dish, ash-e-reshteh, which is, we are told, dished out on the streets of Iran every day, as common as Ice cream. Cultural differences are at the centre of this story by award-winning writer Hannah Khalil. Adapted from the real life story of Atoosa Sepehr as she flees from Iran to escape an abusive husband, and her subsequent journey to settle in England. Isabella Nefar (Salome, National Theatre) welcomes us into Traverse 2 as though to a dinner party, smells of chopped onions, herbs and spices waft through the space. There is a buzz of conversation. Food, a bridge of the senses, cultures, the very essence of our being, and within the ceremony of sharing food, the hand of f...
John Wayne Gacy, The Killer Clown: Born Evil? – theSpace @ Surgeons Hall

John Wayne Gacy, The Killer Clown: Born Evil? – theSpace @ Surgeons Hall

John Wayne Gacy the notorious serial killer, famous for the rape, torture and murder of at least 33 teenage boys in America during the 1970s. The community clown who’s home stood on the graveyard of his “alleged victims”, I use the word alleged as this word comes up multiple times throughout the show. This is not a show that sympathizes with Gacy by any means, instead it’s a one man show that tries to tells Gacy’s story as the man himself had narrated. Using quotes from Gacy’s interviews a 50-minute-long story time has been created. We are made to question: does one begin evil or are they made to be, was Gacy really a man of multiple personalities, deluded or a monster and manipulator? Our lead actor takes on the role of Gacy himself, donning an American Chicago accent and readin...
25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee – theSpace @ Niddry Street

25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee – theSpace @ Niddry Street

Young innocent children attending a spelling bee competition, what could go wrong? Well, these children are competitive and under pressure, pressure that may just come to a boiling point in this wonderfully feel good and nifty musical. Meet the contestants of the 25th Annual Putnam Spelling Bee, or perhaps even become one of them yourself, but one thing is for certain you’ll be in for a right treat and a few emotional roller coasters. Prepare yourself for almost 2 hours of pure laughter, charm and talent with this fun little musical. It’s true to say that when the cast is having fun so is the audience, you could tell that the team thoroughly enjoy the show and in doing so never miss a beat. We find ourselves watching the classic “odd balls” of societies youth: the nerd, the perfecti...
Legally Blonde – Floral Pavilion
North West

Legally Blonde – Floral Pavilion

Omigod you guys! I didn’t realise I was coming to see an amateur production of Legally Blonde the Musical at the Floral last night and, were it not for a couple of tiny microphone glitches, I’d have been none the wiser. From crowd-rousing curtain-up to fabulous finale, it was as polished and perfect a gem of a show as you’d pay top dollar to see. Running until Saturday, there’s still time to nab some seats for this Wallasey Musical Theatre Company production. If you’ve seen the film, you’ll know that it’s a piece of fairytale froth as a story, where the assertion is that you can be both brainy and blonde, principled and a princess. Elle Woods, a lethal combination of girlish naivety and steely determination, applies for Harvard Law School (despite having majored in Fashion Merchan...
Bonnie & Clyde – Knutsford Little Theatre
North West

Bonnie & Clyde – Knutsford Little Theatre

Tonight was my first visit to both Knutsford Little Theatre and Together For Theatre Productions to witness their latest offering Bonnie & Clyde. This is a musical rarely performed by amateur societies as it is tough to stage with the story moving so fast from one location to another and the underscore not allowing much wriggle room. The story of Bonnie & Clyde needs little explanation, bad boy meets good girl, and good girl turns bad due to the blindness of love.  It doesn’t end well for our lead actors as is highlighted at the very start of the show. Together For Theatre have had no issues attracting a stellar cast to perform this gem of a musical which should be performed so much more. The score is stunning, the story compelling, everything points to a West End an...