Saturday, September 14

Tag: My English Persian Kitchen

My English Persian Kitchen – Traverse Theatre

My English Persian Kitchen – Traverse Theatre

World Premier A unique play involving the live creation (and ultimate consumption) of a popular Iranian soup dish, ash-e-reshteh, which is, we are told, dished out on the streets of Iran every day, as common as Ice cream. Cultural differences are at the centre of this story by award-winning writer Hannah Khalil. Adapted from the real life story of Atoosa Sepehr as she flees from Iran to escape an abusive husband, and her subsequent journey to settle in England. Isabella Nefar (Salome, National Theatre) welcomes us into Traverse 2 as though to a dinner party, smells of chopped onions, herbs and spices waft through the space. There is a buzz of conversation. Food, a bridge of the senses, cultures, the very essence of our being, and within the ceremony of sharing food, the hand of f...