Saturday, February 8

Tag: Murder at Cadberry Manor

Murder at Cadberry Manor – Hope Street Theatre
North West

Murder at Cadberry Manor – Hope Street Theatre

A murder has taken place at the Cadberry Manor in Liverpool’s Hope Street Theatre. A 4am production directed by Phil Halfpenny. I was excited to see this show as it was completely sold out and of course like most people I do love a bit of true crime. The story consists of Detective Harrie Bo (Rafaela Dias) arrived at the scene to investigate the murder of Toby Le Rone (Phil Halfpenny) who at the time was hosting a dinner party which included guests such as his son Captain Robert Le Rone (Sab Muthusamy), his ex-wife Veronica Viscount (Kristin Jaap), Dr Whispa (Adam Titchmarsh), Friar Tuckshop (Tristan Harper), Felicity Flake (Rosie Bennett) Lord and Lady Thornton (Alan Kenny and Lisa Morgan). They were all enjoying a few social wines when Tony Le Rone announces a change to his last will ...