Sunday, February 9

Tag: BKLYN: The Musical

BKLYN: The Musical – Lambert Jackson/Stream.Theatre

BKLYN: The Musical – Lambert Jackson/Stream.Theatre

Towards the end of Schoenfeld and McPherson’s sidewalk fairytale a character warns that sometimes memories are better than reality.  Throughout lockdown the option to stream shows has provided a theatrical lifeline, entertaining audiences whilst providing the theatres and production companies some much needed money.  However, sometimes these productions felt like pale imitations of the live versions we crave.  BKLYN takes a cinematic swipe at the streamed musical, some of the theatrical trappings are visible (Leo Munby’s tight trio of a band, chunky stage lights at the edge of the action) but the show is carried by Dean Johnson’s attempts to create something more innovative than a love song to an empty theatre.  The dilapidated warehouse setting works well with An...