CSI: Crime Scene Improvisation – Underbelly, Bristo Square
CSI: Crime Scene Improvisation was the first improvised performance I have seen so far at this Edinburgh Fringe Festival, and I was not disappointed. It began as many improvisations do, with the performers asking the audience to provide certain details that form the bedrock of the show. In this case, we had to name the victim, their job, and the weapon with which they were murdered. It was like an exceptionally fun game of Cluedo.
I was already laughing as we named our victim Jervaiz Pickle, yes it was spelt like that. The unfortunate victim had been a Travelodge receptionist and was brutally murdered by limp hearts of Romaine lettuce. I must give credit to whoever thought of this genius weapon as it propelled much of the slapstick comedy throughout the show.
The details of the m...