Wednesday, October 9


Abigail Paul: Involuntary Momslaughter – Greenside Riddles Court

Abigail Paul: Involuntary Momslaughter – Greenside Riddles Court

That’s ‘Mom’ with an ‘O’, not a ‘U’. Despite Orange-bloke (and the 70 million people that voted for him in the last election) I’m constantly at pains to tell my kids there are actually lots of really great people from America and Abigail Paul didn’t disappoint. Although she resides in Germany nowadays. Went, she claims, ‘for the schnitzel, and stayed for the human rights’. Smart, bright and snappy, she seemed almost delighted, despite the gravitas of the subject matter, to tell us her story; born in Panama to an American woman and a Chilean father (who promptly disappeared) she endured an understandably ‘different’ upbringing, the two most affecting issues being; raised (a) in Florida by (b) a mother exhibiting all the classic traits of someone with NPD, in layman’s terms, Narcissistic ...
Ed Byrne – Assembly Rooms Music Hall

Ed Byrne – Assembly Rooms Music Hall

That was – An unexpected rollercoaster of emotions, with joyous high points. An absolute master of observational comedy who is not scared to get down in the mud with his audience and let them in on the tough stuff as well as the funny stuff. Oh!…. Very funny indeed! Despite stiff competition from 2020 and 2021, 2022 was a total evil b*stard for Byrne. Pause, Pause, Stop! But 2023 is shaping up now, tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow, and you can be sure that Ed is always going to come out swinging, this guy ain’t going down without a fight! Men want information, women want emotion. Men want information, women want emotion. Remember that Ed. The mirror that is severely cracked but still intact and still reflecting. You can be sure that Byrne micro-managed that right down to ...
Ania Magliano: I Can’t Believe You’ve Done This – Pleasance Courtyard

Ania Magliano: I Can’t Believe You’ve Done This – Pleasance Courtyard

This was – Very Funny, and very relatable! I have to be honest; I don’t know quite how she does it. She instantly puts the audience at ease with her laid-back delivery and razor sharp mind. The anecdotes and one-liners are faultless, there is no pause. And she is always funny. Even ad-libbing when a phone rings or when a hair clip gets caught in her shoe – which becomes a trophy to win for the best audience member – unfortunately it wasn’t me, not laughing hard enough! There is almost no point in writing this review and sending it to my editor, after all - she is completely sold out. What’s the point? But put it in your diary for next year. Make a fridge magnet, write a post-it note, write it into your iPhone Calendar, become a Fringe Reviewer for fecks sakes!…. get creative. Just do...
Alan Turing Guilty Of Love – Hill Street Theatre, Edinburgh

Alan Turing Guilty Of Love – Hill Street Theatre, Edinburgh

A decent sized crowd half-fill this nice little raked traditional theatre venue for a brand new musical, Produced and Directed by David Kettle. Seeking at its core to expose the disgraceful torment and shame piled on the code-breaking genius by the British establishment due to his homosexuality. Jamie Sheasby is simply electrifying in the demanding lead role, rarely off stage with a sheath of lines and multiple songs and a massive arc to accomplish, from nervous schoolboy to war code-breaker at Bletchley Park to persecuted adult, he is completely committed and utterly believable. I enjoyed the Enigma machine scene, the script, the acting, the choreography, and the song, ‘man is a machine’, which ran through it. Sheasby is again very good in delivering this scene and song. Unfortunate...
The Hunchback Of Notre Dame – The Edinburgh Academy, Magnuson Theatre

The Hunchback Of Notre Dame – The Edinburgh Academy, Magnuson Theatre

This was – An absolute Gem – a stone cold hit. Captivate have done it again! Despite, or perhaps, in spite of, the relocation from their normal haunt of Rose Theatre. Edinburgh Academy, Magnuson Theatre is transformed into Norte Dame, and the sound system which so exemplified their previous shows is just as crisp and clear, maybe even better than ever. It’s amazing! They are amazing!  And how could I ever have doubted that it would not be so. From the moment that the huge chorus launch into their opening number, with smiles, brightly coloured costumes and jaunt, you know that it is business as usual! After all, Captivate do not do things half baked! It makes a lot of the servings at the Fringe look like thin gruel in comparison! I feel like I have used up my quota of exclamation...
When Judas Met John: Songs of Dylan and Lennon – theSpace @ Surgeons Hall

When Judas Met John: Songs of Dylan and Lennon – theSpace @ Surgeons Hall

Brothers Broke’s clever show was simple and sweet. Starring two men, two guitars and one harmonica, this show presents the infamous connection between Bob Dylan and John Lennon through short sections of commentary and adapted songs. Whilst the story behind Dylan and Lennon’s affiliation was nothing ground-breaking, it was interesting to hear the brother’s interpretation of comments made by the musicians. Their dissection of lyrics and themes within chosen songs helped to turn a few comments made by two musicians into an engaging story of rivalry and respect. The version of Like a Rolling Song into Dig It was an obvious choice for a mash-up. It began with the classic Dylan track and flowed naturally into the opening lyrics “Like a rolling stone; like a rolling stone; like a rolling s...
Kathy and Stella Solve A Murder – Underbelly George Square

Kathy and Stella Solve A Murder – Underbelly George Square

Get a ticket! You’ll laugh your socks off. My shoulders took on a life of their own as I smirked and giggled my way through this totally absurd storyline with larger-than-life characters all brilliantly played by a quality cast. The title tells you what to expect: it’s Enid Blyton on steroids. Best friends murder-mystery capers gone viral. Imelda Warren-Green is hilarious as Erica and you can’t fault Jodie Jacobs in her many incarnations of Felicia Taylor and her family. TJ Lloyd can move it and plays the morgue-happy Justin (plus others) with joyous enthusiasm and a sweetness which warms the heart. The two leads, Kathy (Bronté Barbé) and Stella (Rebekah Hinds) complement one another as opposites attracted through their misfit natures. Costumed to reflect this dichotomy by Cecilia Carey...
ShakeItUp: The Improvised Shakespeare Show – Gilded Balloon Teviot

ShakeItUp: The Improvised Shakespeare Show – Gilded Balloon Teviot

There is nothing I like more than spending an hour watching an improvised show, and I always make sure that my Edinburgh Fringe Festival visits have at least one impro show on my list.  This time it’s the turn of ‘ShakeItUp,’ who create a show entirely from the suggestions given by the audience, then perform the show in the style of a Shakespeare play.  Now, I have to admit to being a regular visitor to impro shows performed by ‘The School of Night’, who set the bar very high in terms improvising Shakespeare, so I was keen to see whether this troupe (for the want of a better name), could surpass my high expectations.  So today, the audience was offered the choice of a history, comedy or tragedy play, and comedy won by a close margin.  Next, the name the person yo...
Music – Bunker Three Pleasance Courtyard

Music – Bunker Three Pleasance Courtyard

I was serenaded and handed a croissant as I walked into Bunker Three to watch Music by Hangdog, which set the tone for the performance perfectly. Music is a very silly, but equally entertaining sketch show about a young part-time receptionist/house band member called Dave who works for Stripefy and swallows the music algorithm, becoming the world’s greatest musician as a result. It’s just as insane as it sounds, but strong performances from Jack Toop and Jacob Lovick keep you mostly engaged throughout. Toop plays Dave with an endearing melancholy that allows you sympathise with his quest to become a full-time receptionist (not musician). This more soulful performance contrasts perfectly with Lovick’s manic presence, as he yo-yos between endless characters, accents and impressions. His John...
Kokoon – Assembly Checkpoint

Kokoon – Assembly Checkpoint

Even if you have not listened to K-Pop before, you have no idea who Black Pink or BTS are, or the only K-Pop you know is Gangnam Style, I would still urge you to go and see Kokoon. This show was an absolute riot from start to finish. Before the show even starts, you’re sitting listening to this fast-paced thumping track on loop while a video introducing the five K-Pop stars plays. By this point you know what you're in for. The Group has 5 members, each one a very energetic and extremely entertaining performer to watch. They are Jaemin, Joowon, Sae-Am, Shuya, and Wonki, every one of them a great personality and having a distinct place within the group. Wonki for example is an absolutely incredible beatboxer. Despite being one of a group of five he can still hold the entire stage by ...