Friday, September 20


Proper Adult – Altrincham Garrick
North West

Proper Adult – Altrincham Garrick

Life is funny. When we're young we can't wait to be grown up to do all the things we can't do. And then when we're adults we wish we could relive our youth. That is exactly what 'Proper Adult' by Megan Relph captures. This is a short one woman show where we meet Rachel, who has just turned 18 and has started her first job. Although we soon realise she's not prepared for adulthood. New writing is always something I look forward to in the fringe, you have no idea what to expect. While I felt this was a good production with some nice moments, it was too short to really get emotionally invested in it. In its current format, this would work well as a warm up act, or as a series of short plays performed in one evening. Having said that I do think Relph has the bones of something here and w...
Alexithymia – GM Fringe Online
North West

Alexithymia – GM Fringe Online

Alexithymia is a term used in psychiatry as “the inability to recognise or describe one’s own emotions”. Although not a core feature of autism, it can affect as many as 50% diagnosed with it. In Madison Weinhoffer’s short theatre piece, which runs at less than twenty-five minutes, we are following the journey of “Friend”, who is a lost being needing assistance to find their way back to who they are. The production starts as more art installation than theatre. Projected images and music add to a general sense of confusion and disorder. The letters which spell the title of the show mix and disintegrate as watch. Friend and voices engage as abstract images are shown on a landscape we can only partly see, but not fully appreciate. Then the show becomes more of a traditional theatre pi...
Dangerous Liaisons – Leeds Playhouse
Yorkshire & Humber

Dangerous Liaisons – Leeds Playhouse

Sexual power, cruelty and deceit. There surely can’t be a better mix for a ballet, and Northern Ballet’s artistic director David Nixon’s dynamic choreography makes the most of the antics of two French aristocratic sociopaths playing games with people’s minds and bodies because they can. This is Pierre Choderlos de Laclos’ timeless tale of upper class amorality as the cunning Marquise de Mertueil sets her sparring partner Vicomte de Valmont the task to seduce the godly Madame de Tiourvel just for sport. But Valmont’s head is turned by de Tourvel with deadly results. Unlike some of their sumptuous productions Northern have gone for a stark stage with minimal period furniture that allows the eye to focus on Nixon’s sensitive and emotional choreography which manfully resists going ove...
Bamalam Productions: All The Bens – 53Two

Bamalam Productions: All The Bens – 53Two

I was lucky enough to be invited to 53Two in Manchester for Bamalam Productions’ launch of their new audio drama, All The Bens. Bamalam Productions is a company providing a platform for new and creative talent: they create a collection of audio dramas written by contemporary writers and performed by new acting talent. The company was created by James Steventon and Lauren Sturgess who, after graduating as actors from the Academy of Live and Recorded Arts in 2017, have gone on to produce many audio plays and podcast series, some of which have starred famous talents such as Julie Hesmondhalgh (who you might have known as Hayley Cropper in Coronation Street), as well as emerging artists from across the UK. All The Bens is their latest audio play and their first back, following the two ye...
2Gorgeous4U: From Ladette To Laundrette – Bombed Out Church, Liverpool
North West

2Gorgeous4U: From Ladette To Laundrette – Bombed Out Church, Liverpool

Liverpool Theatre Festival opened its doors tonight within the stunning location of St Lukes Bombed Out Church. This festival runs for 12 nights with a variety of musicals, drama, comedy and entertainment being shown daily. What a pleasure it is to be back seeing Live Theatre and local actress Lynne Fitzgerald didn’t disappoint as she starred in the opening performance “From Ladette to Laundrette”. This slice of comedy is a one-woman show where Lynne plays a number of characters (at least 10!)  to illustrate the narrative across the 70-minute performance. The story is set in present day, and it follows Claire, a beautician from Waterloo, as she stumbles through the dramas that unfold across her work, love life, family and friendships. Claire was one half of a famous pop duo back in...
Fruit Salad – GM Fringe Online
North West

Fruit Salad – GM Fringe Online

Cherry and Peaches, two fruits which wonderfully complement each other. Or perhaps Cherry and Peaches, the two friends who at first glance don’t seem remotely similar but at the core have a unity that’s imperishable. Or at least that’s what we thought... Fruit Salad follows a friendship that formed over their fruity names and fruity nature. We watch as the two meet up from their late teens to early twenties to catch up over cheap wine in their favourite pub. Soon enough they both move to different universities, make new friends, fall in love with new people and ultimately see one another less. Cherry seems to have it all together and worries for ‘Princess Peach’ seeing as her life is falling apart. One does wonder if their lives will ever get back on the same page, or perhaps if it’s th...
At Home with Miss Angela Bra – Lock 91
North West

At Home with Miss Angela Bra – Lock 91

“Do you have the socials?” an unsuspecting punter is asked. No, not some new contagion to be wary of, simply a way of finding out if the audience prefers Tik-Tok or Facebook. Miss Angela Bra (better known as Andy Quirk) is busy holding court on life as a part-time musical teacher, rising social media star, and owner of two cats - Pinot and Grigio - treating us to her very own brand of banter, singing and occasional costume changes. As with many drag-based acts, the success of these can live and die with the audience interaction and whilst Miss Angela (the full name pronounced like ‘Candelebra’ and just as classy she tells us) does her best with the small but warmly appreciative audience. You can’t help but wonder though how the act could develop if unleashed on a slightly rowd...
The Relatives! – GM Fringe Online
North West

The Relatives! – GM Fringe Online

Growing up as part of a large family myself, I was intrigued to hear whether writer Siân Parry-Williams’ experiences of her own kith and kin came close to my own familial memories. So, as 6pm neared on Wednesday evening, I logged on to my laptop and opened my online ticket in readiness to listen to The Relatives!, part of the 10th Greater Manchester Fringe. Parry-Williams informed us she is “sure” the antics of her characters will remind us of our own relatives. Well, to be honest, nothing during the 30-minute audio event came close to anything heard or seen in my own, Yorkshire, family. But then, Parry Williams’ characters relate to folk in her Welsh background. However, comedy can cross all borders … The Relatives! kicks off with a conversation, on Skype, between mother an...
Salomé – Southwark Playhouse

Salomé – Southwark Playhouse

Salomé written by Oscar Wilde, was originally written in French in Paris 1891, and was later translated into English.  For many years, Salomé was banned from British theatres due to a censorship law forbidding the staging of scriptural characters.  It wasn’t until after Wilde’s death in 1900, that a private performance took place in London (in 1905), and then later in 1931, the first public performance took place.  Critics at the time believed that time had lessened the impact of such a play and were less than enthusiastic. Lazarus Theatre Company have taken up the challenge of staging this play, but in their own style.  Their reimagining of classic tales brings a freshness to the telling of the stories and after performing Salomé previously at the Greenwich Theatre,...
Tell Me on a Sunday – Sheffield Lyceum
Yorkshire & Humber

Tell Me on a Sunday – Sheffield Lyceum

After a long 18 months, I finally had the pleasure of returning to the beautiful Lyceum Theatre, Sheffield to watch a musical that I was familiar with but up until tonight had not had chance to see! Well, I finally put that right and wow! Am I glad I did! Tell Me on a Sunday was excellent! For those unfamiliar with the Andrew Lloyd Webber and Don Black’s classic, Tell Me on a Sunday is a one-woman show (or song cycle) that follows the journey of an English girl newly arrived in New York. Filled with hope and eager eyed, she sets out to seek success, friendship and, of course, love. But as she weaves her way through the maze of the city and her own insecurities, frustrations and heartaches she begins to realise that – in fact – she’s been looking for love in all the wrong places. J...