The show unfolded with a mix of anecdotes, on-screen jokes, and AI-created images, painting a picture of Pratchett’s life that left me intrigued. From his school days to his status as the most shoplifted author in Britain, the show offered a glimpse into his world.

The AI-generated images and sound effects added a unique touch, immersing us in Discworld’s eccentricity. The heart of the show was his own voice and insights. His words, accompanied by shown illustrations, brought depth to the experience, evoking both laughter and reflection.
While I might not be well-versed in Pratchett’s novels, the comedy show piqued my curiosity. It struck a balance between humour and emotion, presenting an enjoyable evening that left me with a newfound appreciation for his work. If you’re a fan or even someone like me who’s unfamiliar with Pratchett’s creations, this show offers a light-hearted dive into his world.
Reviewer: Stephanie Dunk
Reviewed: 13th August 2023
North West End UK Rating: