Wednesday, January 22

Tag: Zuza Sołtykowska

Malvolio’s Fantasy – theSpace @ Surgeons’ Hall

Malvolio’s Fantasy – theSpace @ Surgeons’ Hall

Malvolio’s Fantasy is a Shakespearian play with a modern twist. This funny, frivolous and energetic script was written by the Zuzabella duo or more precisely Zuza Sołtykowska and Isabella Olsen-Barone. The show was a feast for all the senses. Containing some truly eye catching make-up and hair most (notably Carmen Acoster’s pinktastic look) all these head turning designs were created by Ashley McIntosh. If that wasn’t enough the play contained some originally written music by Claire Wang and Magda Olech. Some other much loved classics were also thrown into the mix, that really managed to hype up and engage the audience even more. The play followed several characters’ stories that were all in one way or another connected to Malvolio. Overall, there was ten actors on stage, this in...