Saturday, February 8

Tag: What It Means

What It Means – Wilton’s Music Hall

What It Means – Wilton’s Music Hall

In the realm of theatrical productions that aim to explore important historical events and their relevance to contemporary society, 'What It Means' by James Corley certainly stands out for its ambitious premise. Based on the groundbreaking 1971 article 'What It Means to Be a Homosexual' by Merle Miller, this play endeavours to shed light on the struggle for LGBTQ+ equality, a topic of paramount importance in the current climate. However, whilst the play's intentions are noble, it is, unfortunately, an absurdly and unnecessarily long production that bears a striking resemblance to a dry academic lecture rather than a traditional piece of contemporary theatre, and this ultimately leaves audiences fighting to reach the finish line. The central pillar of 'What It Means' is the (near) solo p...