Saturday, September 14

Tag: Street Magic Masterclass

Street Magic Masterclass with Cameron Gibson – Wonder & Co. Edinburgh

Street Magic Masterclass with Cameron Gibson – Wonder & Co. Edinburgh

Edinburgh’s only Magic shop, Wonder & Co, near Haymarket Station, only opened its doors a few months ago, but the youthful ambition of owner/host, Cameron Gibson is clear to see. Looking like a mixture between Wonka and Potter, the charismatic Gibson seeks to induce magic and wonder to all, and certainly succeeds to some extent. The first wonder is the hidden magic room accessed via a small stair and a hinged bookcase; I feel like I’m in an episode of Mr Ben! Providing a deck of cards and a coin to the twelve seated guests, Gibson explains some simple card tricks and touches on the art of misdirection, in an almost scholastic setting. It is perhaps testimony to the success of the Edinburgh Magic Festival, now in its 14th year, and the health of the ‘Magic’ genre in general, that all...