Monday, February 10

Tag: Sofokles Oidipus

<strong>Sofokles Oidipus – Štátne divadlo Košice</strong>

Sofokles Oidipus – Štátne divadlo Košice

Great theatre stands the test of time and so it is with this production, translated by Vojtech Mihálik, and which in the capable hands of director Anton Korenči, crossed all barriers with ease, a testament to the professionalism and craft of its creative team and cast. Plague and war are raging in Thebes and the people (chorus: Martin Stolár, Beáta Drotárová, Katarína Horňáková, Lívia Michalčík Dujavová, Juraj Zetyák, Adriana Ballová, František Balog and members of the ŠDKE Opera Choir) are desperate, and they look to their ruler, Oedipus (Matej Marušin), for help. When his brother-in-law, Creon (Jakub Kuka), returns from consulting the priest (Róbert Šudík) at Delphi to tell him that it is because the murderer of Laius, the former king, has never been found, Oedipus takes it upon himse...