Saturday, September 14

Tag: Simon Leary

Heartbreak Hotel – Summerhall, Edinburgh

Heartbreak Hotel – Summerhall, Edinburgh

Feeling more like a work in progress than a completed show, but with oodles of charm, this mixes a lecturing approach to the biochemistry of heartbreak with sketches of interactions between female and male of the species, together with elements of singing and grade one synth (oops that’s the wrong chord!). Throw in a spectacular lighting rig transported all the way from NZ no less, and you end up with something that is really entertaining, and educational!, and with a bit more polish could be really good. It’s pretty kooky though! With something of the Degree Show art installation about it, albeit on a grand scale, a bank of multi-coloured wrap-round LED lights enfolds the performance area, the floor of which is a pink deep pile carpet, like the inside of a living cell, which adds ...