Sunday, December 22

Tag: Rachel Dennis

KIN – HOME, Manchester
North West

KIN – HOME, Manchester

Steph (Kerry Wilson-Parry) and Kay (Roberta Kerr) are sisters in law. They are not close, are very different women and have been relatively estranged for years. Following the funeral of Bob/Robert  - Steph’s brother and Kay’s husband, they find themselves in Kay’s middle class, middle England drawing room where both tensions and whisky flow and where family secrets emerge and shocking revelations are made. Presented in a naturalist style, designer Rachel Dennis recreates the tastefully bland home of the smugly comfortable. If you like a dado rail and a decanter clad drinks cabinet you’ll be happy as the proverbial pig. Wilson-Parry is engaging and vibrant as Steph, Bob’s younger sister. Having been born and raised into an aristocratic family, surrounded by nannies and privilege ...