Wednesday, September 11

Tag: Qdos Entertainment

Sleeping Beauty Gets Enforced Lie-In in Manchester

Sleeping Beauty Gets Enforced Lie-In in Manchester

Following the announcement that Manchester is in Tier 3 from Wednesday 2nd December, when the national lockdown was lifted, Manchester Opera House and Qdos Entertainment have announced that the opening of Sleeping Beauty will be delayed and will now begin on Thursday 24th December 2020 and run until Sunday 10th January 2021. Sheena Wrigley, Theatre Director of Manchester Palace & Opera House said: “Given the downward trend of the virus in the City, and the community’s campaign for the reduction of the Tier level at the next review, we continue to be hopeful that we can stage the show this Christmas, opening a little later than planned on 24th December. We thank all of our customers for their patience at this time as we work to get affected bookings rescheduled and are also gr...