Sunday, February 16

Tag: OSCAR at the Crown

OSCAR at the Crown – Assembly George Square Gardens

OSCAR at the Crown – Assembly George Square Gardens

Looking for a fun time, high energy performances, catchy music and something that might have an intriguing concept, but you’re not really invested in what it is? Then check out ‘OSCAR at the Crown’ and enjoy the party! There is plenty to dance along to, laugh along with and yes, there is some depth here to ponder should you so wish. Philosophically, this show touches on identity, presentation, life choices and truthful expression, with a lens of pop culture and party fever, culminating in a beautiful way of questioning its central icon. Oscar Wilde is suitably a flamboyant figure, full of wit and charm, but what we learn of him is given in potted history, and the show could easily be built on any number of iconic / celebrity figures who have met with tragedy after adulation. Ther...