Wednesday, September 11

Tag: Olivia McLeod

We Forgive You, Patina Pataznik – Gilded Balloon Patter House

We Forgive You, Patina Pataznik – Gilded Balloon Patter House

Jake (Jake Glanc) and Liv (Olivia McLeod) go to their High School Reunion maybe partly, totally not entirely, because of Patina Pataznik, the popular, totally gorgeous girl from their year who totally ruined their lives by doing one socially embarrassing thing when they were 13. So when they time travel back to that day, it's obvious what they have to do: get a gun and kill Patina Pataznik. While this may seem a camp time-travel horror-comedy, the plot is really a roadmap the show has no issue detouring from for various wacky sketches. While this might seem a waste of a good (albeit more filmic than theatrical) premise, McLeod and Jake's campy delivery and absurd sense of humour (as well as some handy and inventive props, the over-the-top sound and lighting design) keep this a ...
PASH – Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose, Edinburgh

PASH – Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose, Edinburgh

Seemingly Wholesome Productions PASH is about the bisexual, Max (Olivia McLeod). She is turning twenty-five in a week and, thanks partly to her own idealised and Hollywood-inspired notion of what A First Kiss would feel like, she hasn't had one yet. So, she embarks on a quest to change that before her big quarter-century anniversary, punctuating her chronicles with anecdotes of her friends’ (much earlier) first kisses. The show is parked somewhere between a stand-up set and a monopolylogue, the former because of the “relatable” blurring between character, performer and audience and the latter through its structure, props and use of space, sound and lighting. Because of this, it rests almost entirely on the shoulders of creator / performer Olivia McLeod, who rises to the challenge...