Saturday, September 14

Tag: Molly Jayne-Graham

Bad Habit – theSpace @ Surgeons’ Hall

Bad Habit – theSpace @ Surgeons’ Hall

Dionne (Molly Geddes) and Eilidh (Molly Jayne-Graham) want to take a selfie in front of the Hollywood sign, so they go on a retreat in a California convent. But the nuns won’t let them leave the building. On their last night, the resourceful teens make one last attempt to escape and go clubbing. Instead, they get trapped in the basement with cantankerous Sister Stacey (Emma Gray) and accident-prone Sister Grace (Olaya Ciccarelli-Bermudez). Meanwhile, the second coming is imminent, and cringingly cool Father James (James Crutcher) is skateboarding along the freeway in search of the baby Jesus. The script, by Emma Gray and Molly Geddes, is light-hearted and full of surprises. The cast dance to a techno “remix” of “Let There Be Light”, with the Voice of God supplied by Peter McCormi...