Sunday, February 16

Tag: Leaves of Glass

Leaves of Glass – Hope Mill Theatre
North West

Leaves of Glass – Hope Mill Theatre

This play is exceptional. If only I could end my review there! Philip Ridley has written a truly heartbreaking exploration of how we use memory to protect, to manipulate and to hide; and I was captivated from start to finish. As we see glimpses of Steven’s life in the present day, and flashbacks to his childhood, we start to build a picture of Steven and his family. But is everything as clear as it seems? The acting in this play is outstanding. Director Max Harrison has brought out every drop of subtle emotion and humanity from this incredible cast of four. Ned Costello as Steven never leaves the stage. He gives a stunningly authentic performance, whether in the middle of a monologue or with one of his scene partners. His ability to move us from present to past with just a clenche...