Not being familiar with the Yoruba philosophy which forms a big part of Re:INCARNATION, a show brought to the Hull New Theatre stage by the QDance Company, I Googled and learned of its values - in the hope of it helping me to understand more of what I witnessed on Friday evening.
Reading that there is a supreme being known as Olorun or Olodumare, plus numerous divinities known as Orisha, revered ancestors and malevolent or benevolent spirits, and that Yoruba people's cardinal virtues - love, morality, temperance, honesty, honour, bravery, justice, prudence, and fortitude - helped me not a jot.
So, I relied on my imagination, relaxed in my seat on Row I and prepared to soak up what turned out to be an amazing spectacle produced by 10 young Nigerian dancers, plus two on-stage musicians...