Saturday, September 7

Tag: Haribo Wedding

Haribo Wedding -Traverse Theatre

Haribo Wedding -Traverse Theatre

Established in 2009, Edinburgh’s Strange Town Youth Theatre has developed into something of an institution for theatrical experimentation in the City and is known for pushing the boundaries of what young people are capable of. Tonight is the turn of Thursday 14 – 18 group to strut their stuff, in the third outing of Strange Town in as many days, and it is good to recognise some already familiar faces on stage. The stage is set within the three-sided intimacy of the subterranean Traverse 2.  On stage is a tableau of a wedding party, complete with the recognisable bride and groom, best man and bridesmaids, set like statues, or perhaps caught momentarily on camera, fixed in time. But as the lights drop and the action starts it is clear that this is no ordinary wedding, this is a fake ...