Friday, September 20

Tag: Edinburgh Festival Fringe

Puppets – Paradise in the Vault

Puppets – Paradise in the Vault

Two estranged brothers, Conny (Freddie Mitchell) and Lonny (Alex Davies), are thrown together in the basement of Lonny’s pub.  We watch as they get to know each other again, fighting, sharing, and grieving together as only siblings can. One minute, the brothers fly at each other in a rage, hurling words like weapons. This alternates with expressions of tenderness and compassion. The dynamic between the two actors is a marvel to behold, and I wonder if they are brothers, or at least lifelong friends in real life.  They listen and react to each other beautifully. This is a masterclass in actor chemistry, and I strongly recommend that every actor goes to see this production. The script, by writer/director Barney Watts, is breath taking.  Every word has power, and the ...
No Love Songs – Traverse Theatre

No Love Songs – Traverse Theatre

It probably helps that I was already a fan of the music of The View and Kyle Falconer. This was on my must-see wish-list, and boy was it worth waiting for. Certainly the best show I have seen at the Fringe this year, and I have seen a lot. This is review no. 50! Brilliantly acted by John McLarnon as musician, Jesse andwith an absolutely knock-out award-winning performance by Dawn Sievewright as Fashion student, Lana, the story is a simple boy-meets-girl, which only starts getting complicated when two become three. The simplicity and universality of the story-telling is perhaps this shows greatest strength, for it allows the music to shine – the essential element that brought them together and the one that is tearing them apart.   When Jesse leaves to tour America, Lana’s ini...
The Grand Old Opera House Hotel – Traverse Theatre

The Grand Old Opera House Hotel – Traverse Theatre

A technical Tour De Force, and certainly the most lavish production by the Traverse at this year’s Fringe, with a knock-out set and costumes by Ana Ines Jabares-Pita . Set in an old haunted Opera house, turned 21st century hotel we follow, Aaron (Ali Watt) who has just started working at the hotel, but quickly discovers that hidden just beneath the magnolia painted walls lies the original spook-ridden opera house. It is not long before he meets and falls in love with a strange opera-singing girl, Amy (the wonderfully gifted Karen Fishwick) and he also finds his own opera voice. Once the ghosts and the guests all find their singing voices the real fun starts, let the panto-farce-opera commence. There is some hilarious re-wording of opera favourites, which at least some of the audi...
Otto & Astrid’s Joint Solo Project – Assembly George Square Gardens

Otto & Astrid’s Joint Solo Project – Assembly George Square Gardens

A stunning little music tent with beautiful raked, ancient timber and leather curved seating, in a prime time slot in a perfect location, what could possibly go wrong. Well, no audience for one! Maybe it is the wordy title or perhaps a total lack of self-publicity, I don’t think they care one way or the other, because they are going to have fun! If they can just sort out Astrid’s Public Liability Insurance! And that is the attitude that carries through the show: Anarchic, chaotic and absurd fun. Come ready to rock out to their latest anthems, ‘I Want To Be Your Kitten’, and ‘Tasty Snack’, with hilarious lyrics sung to a heavy metal soundtrack, and some very funny moments. I hope you are getting this picture, because it is not exactly easy to sum up! This is a hidden gem of a show...
Magic Bones: Soulful Magic Volume Two – Underbelly Bristo Square

Magic Bones: Soulful Magic Volume Two – Underbelly Bristo Square

This venue, squeezed in the gap between Teviot Hall and McEwan Hall at Bristo Square is slightly awkward to find, but well worth seeking out for this hit show by all-rounder Richard Essien, AKA Magic Bones. With a triple threat of magic, humour and break-dance, Essien brings this brand new show to Edinburgh fringe, and by the end has the audience eating out of his hand. Britain’s Got Talent finalist in 2020, described there as ‘the, best-presented magic act I’ve ever seen’, Essien gives a unique mixture of high octane, high energy, but in turns gentle and transfixing performance, which has you leaning in right from the start. One of the hottest acts on the British magic scene, we are treated to plenty of top quality extraordinary tricks, illusions and misdirection, flips and danc...
The Sensational David Bowie Tribute Band – The A Club at the Merchant’s Hall

The Sensational David Bowie Tribute Band – The A Club at the Merchant’s Hall

This show was excellent from beginning to end. The band worked chronologically through a range of Bowie’s work from the 70s and 80s to deliver a seamless and sensational set-list. After years of performing this tribute act the lead singer (John) has mastered all the charismatic quirks of Bowie, from his ragged voice to his feminine body language. Even his crimson mullet was down to a tee! During the second half John performed as the character of Ziggy Stardust within the character of David Bowie sucking the audience into an entrancing Bowie matrix. His performance of “Ziggy Stardust” was particularly captivating. The rest of the band were also incredible. It was clear they all loved performing together on-stage because they acted like a close-knit family: sharing mics, dancing toget...
High School Fangsical – the Space@ Surgeons Hall

High School Fangsical – the Space@ Surgeons Hall

A coming-of-age story about a queer vampire and his efforts to find himself in the modern world, orchestrated of course to the soundtrack of the High School Musical Movies. This show is a musical that’s so weird its brilliant. Vlad is a young teen bullied at school for being different, that is until he discovers through the power of the internet that he’s actually a vampire. We follow Vladiqueer on his journey of self-discovery in this blood sucking comedy which will make you wish Troy Bolton had been a vampire all along from the interesting and cleaver High School Musical lyric changes. Eleanor Barr-Sim has endless bounds of energy and fangtastic stage presence, taking what could be a very cringy show and turning it into something quite special and fun. Their energy keeps the au...
A Highly Suspect Murder On The Disorient Express – the Space @ Surgeons Hall

A Highly Suspect Murder On The Disorient Express – the Space @ Surgeons Hall

A fan of puzzles? How about murders? Do you fancy yourself quite the detective? Well let’s hope so as the real detective has been murdered and it’s up to you the crack the case and find out who did it in this fun and challenging murder mystery brought to you be Highly Suspect UK. A journey on the Orient Express, what could possibly go wrong? Well another murder has occurred and this time it’s the detective that’s met his horrible end, but who could be responsible? Could it be Agar Thachristie (Michael Spencer) the dutch writer and former assistant to the late detective ,Ray Alwaycarriage (Joe Desborough) the lovable conductor, Dr Phil Steamahead (Seb Coombe) the doctor with a secret, the highly mysterious man from room 13 or Traynton Ells (Alice Woodsworth) the woman who owes the detect...
The Stand-Up Horror Show – Just the Tonic at The Caves

The Stand-Up Horror Show – Just the Tonic at The Caves

A cabaret of Horror goes horribly wrong when the intended act performing dies in a freak nail gun accident, with an eagerly awaiting audience the understudy is thrown on in a truly “the show must go on” moment of panic. Whilst this is the plot to the show it’s also very much how the show felt overall, under prepared and unrehearsed. Starting us off with a cheesy yet spooky voice over and an over dramatic mime on stage, one would think this show to be a silly: so bad it’s good performance, which I do think was the intention. For the first few moments of Tom Short’s set this idea is presented well, showing a nervous understudy who clearly is a little flustered and unprepared, played up for comedic value but unfortunately this one note is continued throughout. Whilst there are some funny m...
OSCAR at the Crown – Assembly George Square Gardens

OSCAR at the Crown – Assembly George Square Gardens

Looking for a fun time, high energy performances, catchy music and something that might have an intriguing concept, but you’re not really invested in what it is? Then check out ‘OSCAR at the Crown’ and enjoy the party! There is plenty to dance along to, laugh along with and yes, there is some depth here to ponder should you so wish. Philosophically, this show touches on identity, presentation, life choices and truthful expression, with a lens of pop culture and party fever, culminating in a beautiful way of questioning its central icon. Oscar Wilde is suitably a flamboyant figure, full of wit and charm, but what we learn of him is given in potted history, and the show could easily be built on any number of iconic / celebrity figures who have met with tragedy after adulation. Ther...