Sunday, February 16

Tag: Charlotte Anne Steen

I Wish My Life Were Like a Musical – King’s Head Theatre

I Wish My Life Were Like a Musical – King’s Head Theatre

A stage, four performers and a pianist is all it takes to put on this witty love letter to the stage. This clever parody piece pokes fun at the musical theatre art form, with just the right number of big notes and jazz hands. The show consists of stand-alone songs, some duets and small inputs from the performers to keep it moving along. The first song parodies traditional opening numbers of popular shows, with slick choreography (also by the director, Chris Whittaker) and complex four-part harmonies. Alexander S. Bermange’s writing is brilliantly satirical and an absolute treat for musical theatre fans. The writing does not shy away from the ridiculousness of the genre either. It takes multiple digs at the dramatics involved, and has whole songs dedicated to divas and unworthy star c...