Saturday, May 18

Tag: Captivate Theatre

Sunshine on Leith – Assembly Rooms, Bijou (tent) George Street

Sunshine on Leith – Assembly Rooms, Bijou (tent) George Street

Set in the inspired venue choice of a giant tent on George Street, Captivate Theatre bring this breezy and lively musical which can easily cope with some background street chatter. In fact, it fits right in (as if it’s meant) to many of scenes; in the pub, on the football terraces or in the hospital. And as for the lighting techie! It took me a while to realise that we were at nature’s mercy, and miraculously it seemed that the light rose and fell at all the right points. Behind a cloud for the sad scenes and full sun for the bright ones. Miraculous! To the wonderful music and lyrics of Scotland’s finest, The Proclaimers, Scottish Country (without the Western), we follow two likely lads, Ally and Davy, discharged from the army and returning home to Edinburgh (no, Leith!) to try to carv...