Not even Royalty can escape the latest Covid-19 tier restrictions announced by the Government on Thursday which saw Salford plunged into tier 3. The result of this means that theatres are (inexplicably in our opinion) forbidden to open, and as such SIX! The Musical has been forced to delay its latest reign at The Lowry.
The show is now planning to open on the 19th December and play until the 17th January 2021 providing the Government see sense and move the North West into tier 2 as part of a nationwide review on the 16th December, the tier the statistics suggest they should have been put in in the first place!

Audience members who hold tickets for the postponed shows until 17th December will be contacted by the venue in order to move them to a different date or provide a refund, whichever is requested.
North West End UK are mystified as to why in the latest round of tier restrictions bestowed upon the North West, and indeed the UK includes the closure of theatres and other entertainment venues when the previous tier 3 rules allowed this. Venues have spent thousands making their venues safe to allow audiences back adhering to the previously published social distancing guidelines. This is yet another kick in the teeth to an industry which hasn’t been able to operate properly (if at all) since early March when the house curtains were ordered to be brought down. For full details on the rescheduled run of SIX! The Musical at The Lowry visit