Sunday, December 22

An Evening Without Kate Bush – Soho Theatre

I discovered quite quickly that I was in a room full of super fans. Now, I’m a fan but mostly through my dad, who now and again will beautifully reminisce to Wuthering Heights as well as the heights of his vocal range. But as I watched a person enter the stage wearing a bird head piece, I knew I was in the hands of an artist who had carefully cherished her craft all of her life: her craft? Kate Bush.

Sarah-Louise Young opens her arms to a bunch of strangers every night, but somehow gets us all on our feet and emotionally hand in hand by the time she’s done. Turning it around on us as we not only enjoy watching her have the time of her life but have that for ourselves too.

After what seems like the most anxiety inducing and isolating years of our lives, it’s been a long time since I have felt an audience open up as much as Young allowed us to and all through the joyous, mythical sounds of Bush.

We explore the history of Kate Bush’s music together, learning who is here watching whether a forever fan or new to the music completely: there is no shame or gasp only a smile and an invitation into the world of red wigs. ‘Yes, it’s interactive’ but do not let that put you off.

I will always sink lower into my seat once the house lights lift, looking for their victim however this show truly is different every night as Sarah-Louise Young wants to meet us, wants to know us and wants us to have a beautiful experience together. Tonight, I cried as a mother and daughter danced on stage to a song I didn’t know, but everyone else did and tomorrow night who knows what Sarah will do – but it will be special for those who are there.

There is no predicting what could happen next, much like Bush’s music but I have never felt more safe, held and passionate for a room full of strangers and a woman dancing in a unitard.

All I can say is thank god I got to watch this show because I’ll never forget it.

Reviewed: Alice Rose

Reviewed: 8th February 2022

North West End UK Rating:  ★★★★
