Wednesday, January 15

Twisted: The Untold Story of a Royal Vizier – Cre8 Theatre

Twisted is a retelling of Disney’s Aladdin from the point of view of that cartoon’s villain, Jafar (Fionn Cameron/Oliver Payn on alternating nights), portrayed here as a well-meaning public servant struggling to deal with his tragic backstory with Sherrazade (Cosette Bolt), and to fix the Magic Kingdom’s (an amalgamation of Disney and Agrabah) issues, including its incompetent Sultan (Mitch Gardiner), immature princess (Mhairi Goodwin/Heather Richardson), criminal dude-bro Aladdin (Calum Philp/Orla Bayne) and belligerent neighbour Prince Achmed (Darren Walls).

Unsurprisingly, much of the comedy is built around the Disney version of the tale. Quotes from song lyrics from the original film are peppered throughout the dialogue, scenes from the cartoon are comedically described to have happened offstage, and gentle jabs at such elements as Robin Williams’ humour depending on pop culture references abound. Disney being its own brand, it is perhaps unsurprising that the expected knowledge also encompasses Disney as a whole, with parodies of songs (played here by a live band, which is always appreciated) from many different Disney cartoons, a library set of books whose only link is Disney adaptations/films, and plentiful references to the history of Disney, such as the fraught distribution deal with the land of Pixar, the supposed sexual Easter eggs in the films or the firing of all the 2d animators.

At times, the show seems somewhat hamstrung by its loyalty to the Disney film, changing elements where it needs to but also bending over backwards to explain other bits from the film it could have just ignored. The inclusion of other Disney villains in one song would suggest a revisionist take on the material which is ultimately not followed through enough to be truly effective.

However this is really just good-natured, energetic fun, taking a look at a childhood story through another, more adult lens (in both the thematic and somewhat ruder sense) in a funny, revisionist way. (The jabs at the genie’s humour depending on pop culture references even tie into the ending of the show). The cast clearly relish each moment, with Heather Richardson shining as the bratty princess (ironically, a more faithful adaptation of Howard Ashman’s original version of Aladdin), Orla Bayne bringing a perverted Bill & Ted energy to Aladdin, Indrid Heron making full use of the Past Vizier’s few minutes onstage and Cosette Bolt’s sweetness giving the love-story its required weight, while Oliver Payn keeps the show together as the reluctant master of ceremonies to all the insanity. It’s fun for all the family, though not at every age/stage.

Twisted is running at the Cre8 Theatre 25th – 29th June 2024. Tickets can be found at:

Reviewer: Oliver Giggins

Reviewed: 25th June 2024

North West End UK Rating:

Rating: 4 out of 5.