Last night I was invited to review The Royal, and before you say, no I don’t mean the NHS hospital. It’s a show that is currently playing at The Royal Court Theatre.
The show is a comedy starring Lindzi Germain a Royal Court regular and a true comedy Liverpool icon. Lindzi is also one of the show’s writers. Before the show opened, she came out with her dressing gown on and rollers in the hair to say hello and why she wrote the show. It all started after a trip to the Royal Hospital. She wasn’t the patient, but she was with her mum and dad, and it was her dad that did you should write a show about The Royal and so she did.
From the get-go the laughter erupted within the theatre. There were times for people myself included had to gasp for breath before the next joke which all came thick and fast. The story is set on a ward in the Royal, it is about to be taken down by bulldozers ready to open the new Royal. Florence (Angela Simms) is the ward nurse and is thrust into action saving lives on the ward and taking Walter (Alan Stocks) to the toilet. Tea lady Teresa (Lindzi Germain), walked in to offer cups of tea and coffee and also had a few extra things for sale such as 300 cigarettes for Mrs Llewelyn (Joe Matthew-Morris) clothes and expensive knock off perfume.

Whilst all characters were hilarious with impeccable timing. Mo McGuire (Lynn Francis) was definitely one of those we could all relate to with outrageous one liners and showing vulnerability.
The ward has only 20 minutes a before the bulldozers come crashing through. Question is will they make it out in time and will there be any trouble on the way. I off course know the answer but I’m not here to give spoilers.
This is definitely a show that will exercise your diaphragm and release any tensions of the day, with a hint of eye candy for the ladies. This is definitely not a show for the easily offended or a prude but it’s definitely always good to be rude some of the time. This show is relevant and pays a huge homage to our wonderful NHS. We always knew our NHS was full of superheroes and characters but with the last 2 years we now know it more than ever. There was a moment in the show last night that really stuck with me. It was the nurses and doctors genuinely care even after a 24 hour shift the Royal is a city in itself. So, from myself Thank you for all the superheroes out there and thank you to Lindzi for a perfect show that is definitely needed to raise the spirits. I genuinely couldn’t fault it.
The Royal continues at Liverpool’s Royal Court until the 16th April,
Reviewer: Luke Stephenson
Reviewed: 16th March 2022
North West End UK Rating: ★★★★★