Sunday, February 16

The Plague Thing – Putney Theatre Company Online

Putney Theatre Company are an amateur company who encourage a feeling of community.  The theatre company was originally two separate companies Group 64 which is their youth theatre section and Putney Players (previously Putney Amateur Dramatics Society) but they merged in 1999 to enable them to pool resources and work together. 

In this short vignette lasting 6 minutes, we hear from Enid (Carol Hudson) who lives in a care home and new lockdown rules have been introduced due to the pandemic.  She is no longer able to go the community lounge, but must stay in her room, even for meals.  As she states, “This is it – my room, my life!”

Enid has dementia and her eyesight is not what it was, so she struggles to even watch TV.  Just from this short statement we begin to understand how frustrating it must be for people who are relying on others for their care.  She grumbles that she is not on holiday but is paying more in fees that she would pay to stay in a top hotel.

This short monologue is too short to really dig deep or to develop any type of storyline, but it does give us an insight into a vulnerable person’s emotional and mental wellbeing when their liberty is taken away from them in an already small world.  Writer/Director Marcia Kelson has presented a charming play and helps Hudson (Enid) to produce a delightfully natural performance, communicating her despondency and helplessness at being shut away within the four walls.  A feeling we can all empathise with following our own confinement, but there is a feeling that as Enid is in her twilight years, she wants to be able to enjoy every moment.

The Putney Theatre Company like many other theatre companies, relies on the sale of tickets to help to fund the charity.  If you do watch this monologue, please consider donating to help this wonderful community theatre to continue.  To watch the play follow this link

Reviewer: Caroline Worswick

Reviewed: 19th August 2020

North West End UK Rating: ★★★
