Saturday, July 27

The Girl Who Was Very Good at Lying – Omnibus Theatre

The Girl Who Was Very good at Lying written by Eoin McAndrew is a quick, intelligent piece dipping into a moment of a young woman’s daily life but today was different- today she met an American man.

Catorina lives in a small Irish town where she must come home every day and tell her mum everything that she’s done, listing the most mundane of tasks. She works in a pub; she likes watching TV and she likes to light matches. When this mysterious man walks in, very aware of the accent she forms a plan to guide him around the town- as she is obviously very interested in History and knows the story of everything in this place, or at least she’s very very good at lying about it. We follow the pair throughout the day, each lie getting more bizarre although you wouldn’t know with her confidence in her stories until her fantasies start to take over and she becomes too engaged in the world she has made a reality for herself.

Rachael Rooney is stunning as she takes the stage and blows up an entire town with the change of her breath, she is energetic and unpredictable, she tackled this story with honesty which was beautiful to watch and brought the audience in and held us safely in a space that was vulnerable. Really beautiful work, well done to Georgina Makhubele for the collaboration.

The show is only elevated by the fantastic creative team, walking into the space was exciting and interesting which followed through into the piece always quietly shocking us with unpredictable moments- a team that worked very well together to highlight and uplift each other’s minds. Well done to Lex Kosanke, Anna Kezia Williams and Amy Hill.

Fantastic and a must-see not only for enjoyment but for a masterclass in writing and acting. Playing until the 21st November

Reviewer: Alice Rose

Reviewed: 4th November 2021

North West End UK Rating: ★★★★
