Saturday, July 27

The Boy Out The City – Turbine Theatre

Welcome back, to a time quickly forgotten but deep rooted- the pandemic, 2020. Oh yes, lurking in the corner is a time most of us dread to think about just yet but in Declan Bennett’s one-man piece exploring his 3 lockdown special, we move through time, through cities and through all the alcohol in the house.

Immediately we are thrown into an underground theatre, blasting 90’s house and the scheduled timing of the overground tube. Declan enters the stage, Guinness in hand and face mask on- which he proceeds to take off with great difficulty once attached around his mic, as a glasses owner- I understand this. This was an honest re-telling of his time alone in a countryside home during Christmas, as we know, possibly the hardest lockdown for a lot of people. As his boyfriend’s success allows him to travel for work, we watch the very content Declan turn back to moments in his life where he was forced into isolation in public, possibly comparing them to his current place in life and overcoming the loneliness he forced within himself.

Declan has a great story-telling ability and is a very talented writer with a real connection to audience, never afraid to look us in the eye and welcome us in personally.

Although I am also quite afraid to look back into that time just yet, it was lovely to watch a story about overcoming and happiness.

The Boy Out The City continues at The Turbine Theatre until 13th November

Reviewer: Alice Rose

Reviewed: 10th November 2021

North West End UK Rating: ★★★
