Saturday, February 15

Tag: Zana Fraillon

The Bone Sparrow – Theatre Peckham

The Bone Sparrow – Theatre Peckham

In a country where the Home Office ponders sending asylum seekers to Rwanda for ‘processing’ and Navy battleships intercept people crossing the Channel on a lilo, The Bone Sparrow couldn’t be timelier. It’s ironic that Boris Johnson can fly to Kyiv with ease, while Ukrainians fleeing war, can’t get to the UK for love nor money. The UK’s discourse on migration feels endlessly toxic, but the Brits are far from alone in their unbridled ignorance with regards to this topic. Pilot Theatre have landed at Theatre Peckham to shine a light into this darkness. Their welcome pitch is a stage adaptation of Zana Fraillon’s book about Subhi, a boy born in an Australian detention centre after his mother escapes genocide in Burma. Like the prisoners in Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, Subhi has no concept...
Pilot Theatre’s Esther Richardson talks their new production The Bone Sparrow

Pilot Theatre’s Esther Richardson talks their new production The Bone Sparrow

Pilot Theatre has adapted Zana Fraillon’s The Bone Sparrow for a timely national tour telling the tale of a Rohingya refugee boy Subhi who has spent his entire life living in a detention centre in Australia. Pilot Theatre’s Artistic Director Esther Richardson will direct an adaption by Shakthi Shakthidharan, who is an award-winning Australian writer, producer, composer and director for screen and stage of Sri Lankan heritage and Tamil ancestry. In a world dominated by Zoom calls this cross continental production has also been developed in association with Australian Theatre for Young People. Closer to home it has had support of Bradford’s SBC Theatre, a group of creative professionals and artists who are committed to making work with, about and for those seeking sanctuary in the UK a...
Pilot Theatre announce a national tour of The Bone Sparrow

Pilot Theatre announce a national tour of The Bone Sparrow

Pilot Theatre have adapted Zana Fraillon’s The Bone Sparrow about a Rohingya refugee boy who has spent his entire life living in a detention centre in Australia. The Bone Sparrow has been adapted by Shakthi Shakthidharan, who is an Australian writer, producer, composer and director for screen and stage of Sri Lankan heritage and Tamil ancestry. It’s directed by Pilot Theatre’s Artistic Director Esther Richardson. It’s story of Subhi, a refugee who was born in an Australian detention centre to a mother who had fled violence in her Burmese homeland. Subhi’s world is confined by the fences of the detention centre in which he lives, but through stories, relationships, and encounters, a wider but not always comfortable world emerges.   The Pilot Theatre production has also been de...