Saturday, February 15

Tag: YouTube

Christmas Music by Candlelight – The Shows Must Go On

Christmas Music by Candlelight – The Shows Must Go On

I love a good carol concert. I’m no expert (or singer), but I love the songs and the feeling of Christmas. Online carol singing though, how’s that going to work? Well, it does, and it does it exceedingly well. Through the flickering candlelight at St Paul’s Church, Birmingham, conductor Jeffrey Skidmore takes Ex Cathedra through a range of carols old and new bringing joyous melodies and harmony to your home. I was astonished how in love with this show I became. And maybe it’s the power of the music and the beauty of the voices, but I found this performance a time to reflect. A time to step back and enjoy the wonder of the world. Visually, I felt I was there. The candlelight is so atmospheric you feel yourself drawn into the dancing lights reflecting off the church windows. ...
The Show Must Go On: Fame the Musical – YouTube

The Show Must Go On: Fame the Musical – YouTube

The Show Must Go On YouTube channel makes a timely return to bring some theatre back into our lives. This week’s offering is Fame the Musical, the 30th anniversary production filmed at the Phoenix Theatre in London last year. Fame the Musical is based on the 1980’s film of the same name. It follows a group of students through their time at the School of Performing Arts in New York from their first day to their graduation. Many issues are briefly portrayed in this show, illiteracy, drug abuse, sexuality, weight worries, prejudice and the need to succeed. Cramming all of this into a small space means that each subject is merely touched upon. This keeps the pace up but at times makes the story feels disjointed. What the story lacks in cohesion the cast make up for in energy. The ...
The Secret Love Life of Ophelia – Greenwich Theatre

The Secret Love Life of Ophelia – Greenwich Theatre

Steven Berkoff’s The Secret Love Life of Ophelia provides the backstory to one of the Shakespeare’s most tragic couples. Adapted directly in response to the closure of theatres during the coronavirus pandemic, Greenwich Theatre’s new version, directed by James Haddrell, has taken the epistolary nature of the play and converted it into a series of video messages, which makes it a perfect piece of drama for an online production. The piece opens with a clever and imaginative explanation of what is about to be shown, creating a believable world from the off and providing the opportunity for a large cast of forty actors to play the roles of only two characters, alongside a special guest appearance from Dame Helen Mirren. There are some nice special effects which emphasise the technical backs...
No Milk for the Foxes – Beats & Elements

No Milk for the Foxes – Beats & Elements

Working class culture rarely gets a look in anywhere in theatreland and when it does it's all too often patronising twaddle with some pathetic redemptive narrative thrown in to salve middle class guilt. Thankfully this funny and often bleak 2015 work from Beats & Elements avoids that as co-founders Conrad Murray and Paul Cree based this tale of two security guards surviving on the margins of society on their own experiences, and that of their mates Murray’s Spaxx is a half Indian geezer from Mitcham who is whiling away the hours with Cree’s more considered white, working class Marx on a zero-hour contract night shift in the office of a rundown factory.  Between chats about life living from one crap payday to the next, their dreams and. insecurities they throw in some top-cla...
Michael Flatley Celtic Tiger – The Shows Myst Go On

Michael Flatley Celtic Tiger – The Shows Myst Go On

Michael Flatley’s famous ‘Celtic Tiger’ show opened in July 2005. This was his third big venture following ‘Riverdance’ which famously aired during the intermission on the 1994 Eurovision song contest and then ‘Lord of the Dance’ which premiered in 1996.  This production, which seeks to explore Irish heritage and world cultures, is available for viewing curtsey of ‘The show must go on’ series. What it quite apparent from the start is that unfortunately, Flatley’s production has not stood the test of time and entertainment has come a long way in the last 15 years. ‘Celtic Tiger’ feels more like a variety show than a collaborative piece of entertainment. There is a mixture of solo songs, dance sequels and instrumentals which I have no problems with if they all tied together and made ...
Forever Plaid – YouTube

Forever Plaid – YouTube

High school pals Sparky, Jinx, Smudge, and Francis are a talented “guy group” who call themselves ‘The Plaids’, and love singing harmony. They used the basement of Smudge’s family’s plumbing supply company to practise and they would play school proms and department stores, whilst dreaming about success and making it big. When the boys are killed in a car accident on the way to their first big gig at the Airport Hilton Cocktail Bar, on 9th February 1964, for some reason the young men linger in limbo. It’s as if they need to finish the ‘gig’ to be able to win their place in Heaven and claim the deluxe plaid dinner jackets they had dreamed of and saved up for, for so long... Some kind of phenomena allows them to return to Earth to perform their final concert but will it lead to Heave...
Peter Pan Live! – The Shows Must Go On

Peter Pan Live! – The Shows Must Go On

This continues the offerings from the “The Shows Must Go On” YouTube channel that has been showing productions throughout lockdown. Peter Pan live! is a cross between a stage and a TV production, with multiple viewing angles and large detailed scenes following on from each other but without special effects being used for the flying scenes and other TV values. Peter Pan Live! was originally shown as a live production special in America on NBC in December 2014, it followed the production of the Sound of Music the year before. The musical was first performed on Broadway in 1954, although some of the songs in this production have been taken from other revivals of the show and new songs adapted from other musicals. PETER PAN LIVE! -- Season: 2014 -- Pictured: (l-r) Allison Williams as Pet...
Beats & Elements & Camden People’s Theatre release their hip hop theatre production No Milk for the Foxes

Beats & Elements & Camden People’s Theatre release their hip hop theatre production No Milk for the Foxes

Beats & Elements and Camden People's Theatre’s 2015 production of No Milk for the Foxes is released online from Tuesday, 16th June. The original production explored David Cameron's England from a working-class perspective through spoken word, beatboxing and live looping. It revolves around Marx, a white working-class male from Croydon, and Anglo-Indian Spaxx from Mitcham. They are two security guards on a one-night shift surviving on zero hours contracts. The piece poses the question - is it important to aspire to a higher station or better just to accept your lot? As the television monitors buzz in front of them, two friends pass the night shift debating status, class, and milk. Marx is keeping his head down, working hard and praying his contract will be extended. He i...