Sunday, February 9

Tag: Wren Brian

[Un]lovable A Scratch Night Performance – St Augustines, George IV Bridge

[Un]lovable A Scratch Night Performance – St Augustines, George IV Bridge

[Un]lovable A Scratch Night Performance by Not so Nice! Theatre company is one hundred percent loveable. Each of the five scratch theatre pieces were deftly crafted: the writing was thoughtful and witty; set design simple yet apt; costumes spot on; lighting simple and the quality of acting perfectly matched the rigor of the black box. Performed in the basement of St Augustine’s, this young company is brimming with talent and has a keen following. Not subject to the delays and restrictions of bidding for a grant, Not So Nice! are free to play and create collaboratively and with vigor. Each of the five vignettes on love and the rejection of love were equally as entertaining and thought-provoking. The evening began with It’s Always a Sad Song by Will Evans. In this exploration of wants ...