Saturday, February 8

Tag: Will Evans

[Un]lovable A Scratch Night Performance – St Augustines, George IV Bridge

[Un]lovable A Scratch Night Performance – St Augustines, George IV Bridge

[Un]lovable A Scratch Night Performance by Not so Nice! Theatre company is one hundred percent loveable. Each of the five scratch theatre pieces were deftly crafted: the writing was thoughtful and witty; set design simple yet apt; costumes spot on; lighting simple and the quality of acting perfectly matched the rigor of the black box. Performed in the basement of St Augustine’s, this young company is brimming with talent and has a keen following. Not subject to the delays and restrictions of bidding for a grant, Not So Nice! are free to play and create collaboratively and with vigor. Each of the five vignettes on love and the rejection of love were equally as entertaining and thought-provoking. The evening began with It’s Always a Sad Song by Will Evans. In this exploration of wants ...
Baba Yaga – Theatre Porto
North West

Baba Yaga – Theatre Porto

The tales of the Baba Yaga, best known in Slavic folk and fairy tale traditions, are full of rich story material, and Laura Lindow’s new play for Theatre Hullabaloo and Theatre Porto reimagines the best elements of these to present a dark, fairytale world where the children’s bravery and ingenuity ultimately triumphs. The journey of two children, Girl (Fran Burgoyne) and Boy (Ben Galpin), and their search for safety, resonates strongly with current times as they encounter a town which refuses to let them in, knowing that as a result they are almost certainly sending them into terrible danger.  However, whilst there is a moral message at the heart of this piece, directed by Nina Hajiyianni and produced by Miranda Thain, about our collective responsibility to look after the most vuln...
Beryl – Oldham Coliseum
North West

Beryl – Oldham Coliseum

For an astonishing sports career, Beryl Burton may not be quite the household name one might expect, but her achievements are the stuff of legend. At a time when women were expected to prioritise raising families and keeping house, Beryl’s unparalleled domination of the world of Cycling has created a legacy that helped push British cycling to heady heights of success and prestige. Penned by acclaimed actress Maxine Peake, this joyful and creative show gives us a whistle-stop tour of key milestones in Beryl’s life, from her early introduction to cycling from future husband Charlie, through to battles with health issues leftover from a childhood illness that led doctors to repeatedly beg her to stop competing and juggling elite competition with motherhood when her daughter Denise is born....