Sunday, January 19

Tag: War of the Worlds (on a budget)

War of the Worlds (On a Budget) – theSpace@Surgeons Hall (Venue No. 53)

War of the Worlds (On a Budget) – theSpace@Surgeons Hall (Venue No. 53)

Guffaw. Chortle. Grin. Giggle. Take your pick. You are guaranteed to leave this show with a Cheshire Cat smile. Lamphouse Theatre’s Tom Fox and Becky Owen-Fisher bring contagious joy and silliness to HG Wells’ War of the Worlds (on a Budget) with songs, dance and incredibly silly physical theatre… oh, and there are delightful homemade props. The child inside will love this infectious, playful condensed classic. There’s a nod to Monty Python’s screechy voiced, Eric Idle, a plethora of characters and a bucket-load of improvisation jokes. The sense of immediacy on stage leads to an anticipation of anything could happen at any time. The urgency is brilliantly uplifting. I loved the match an action to every phrase sequence. It’s a bread-and-butter improvisation game. Here it’s jam on t...
The musical-comedy, action adventure we didn’t know we needed!

The musical-comedy, action adventure we didn’t know we needed!

War of the Worlds (on a budget) is the perfect show for comedy and music lovers, families with teenagers and festival goers who want to start their day with a blast! Lamphouse Theatre will bring a brand-new musical comedy version of War of the Worlds to theSpace @ Surgeon’s Hall for the Edinburgh Festival Fringe this August. Featuring just one actor, War of the Worlds (on a budget) will parody Jeff Wayne’s epic arena tour and Tom Cruise’s Hollywood film while paying homage to HG Wells’ original story. With a full soundtrack of brand-new music, plus a loop pedal, a ukulele, lots of cardboard props, plenty of laughs and many hats, this take on the famous disaster story will be more hectic than heroic. Clowning, comedy, music and improvisation will ensure a side-splitting night out: Lam...