Wednesday, January 22

Tag: Victoria Wells

Beauty and the Beast – Gladstone Theatre
North West

Beauty and the Beast – Gladstone Theatre

West Kirby MTC always turn out an excellent, entertaining show and after recent successes with A Christmas Carol and Betty Blue Eyes, this year they take on the well-loved story of Beauty and the Beast. It was evident that a lot of hard work and dedication had gone into this production, and we all know how much fun it is for all the participants, especially the youngest, for some of whom it may be their first performance. This ’Tale as old as Time’ is indeed a big challenge for director Sharon Henderson, as the show demands big sets, big costumes and big musical numbers and the Gladstone theatre is far from a big stage. Sensibly they have scaled down the scenery to include back projections and minimal pieces of set. In the main this worked well as the wonderful costumes really make thei...