Saturday, September 14

Tag: This is the Land

This is the Land – Vault Festival

This is the Land – Vault Festival

Five ghost-like, unidentifiable, unreal performers, all in black, inhabit the stage from start to end and present a visceral and powerful series of images, movement and sound sequences occasionally breathing life into props around- chairs, threads of cotton, grocery and coats! Directed by Mary Steadman and created in collaboration with performers Leeza Jessie, Alice Barton, Xavier De Santos, Samuel De La Torre, and Sofia Velez, This is the Land indeed creates an atmosphere of dream-like liminality using themes associated with the cycle of seasons. It does so by channelling some narratives or images that might emerge using the archetype of Trickster- the one who defies conventional behaviour and is not afraid to experiment. While it was not always possible to comprehend a singular na...