Saturday, July 27

Tag: The Valley of Fear

Sherlock Holmes: The Valley of Fear – Southwark Playhouse

Sherlock Holmes: The Valley of Fear – Southwark Playhouse

Blackeyed Theatre’s Sherlock Holmes: The Valley of Fear makes its Spring 2024 revival at Southwark Playhouse Borough after a successful run in 2023 across the UK. Adapted and directed for stage by Nick Lane, the play weaves two plots set in the past and the present with stylised, engaging storytelling (Joseph Derrington) and neat choral transitions transporting the audience to a different time where mysteries and adventures are the norm. The play opens with Holmes (Bobby Bradley) decoding a mysterious message signalling “danger” with Dr. Watson (Derrington) and Mrs. Hudson (Alice Osmanski) at the iconic 221B Baker Street. This leads the duo on an adventure to an ancient manor house further unravelling a distant narrative set in Pennsylvanian Vermissa Valley involving a corrupt gang and...
Sherlock Holmes: The Valley of Fear – Online

Sherlock Holmes: The Valley of Fear – Online

Sherlock Holmes: The Valley of Fear is Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s fourth and final Sherlock Holmes novel. This production by Blackeyed Theatre is a world premiere, written and directed by Nick Lane, currently touring the UK and there is also a streamed version available until 22nd January 2023. This review is of the streamed version. Blackeyed Theatre was created in 2004 and I saw their 2016 version of Frankenstein which I thought was a masterpiece. They set the bar high with that one in my opinion! I am not familiar with the story of “The Valley of Fear” so this was new to me. We see two stories running parallel to each other – one in “present day” (1895) and one told in flashback from twenty years earlier. This part is set in the Pennsylvanian Vermissa Valley. It is clear that they ...