Thursday, November 7

Tag: The Rat Pack at Christmas

<strong>The Rat Pack at Christmas – Cadogan Hall</strong>

The Rat Pack at Christmas – Cadogan Hall

I’m not sure who the target audience for The Rat Pack at Christmas might be, but as an ex-acid house raver who likes experimental theatre, it probably isn’t yours truly. However, ‘tis the season to embrace cheesy fare, flashback nostalgia and family entertainment. Unsure of what to expect, the lure of hearing a big band in Cadogan Hall proved enough to park chilly misgivings and hand myself over to the festive spirit. The Manhattan Swing Orchestra were tight and glorious. The acoustics of Cadogan Hall are superb for live music and the setting is on brand and perfect, a Byzantine Revival style ex-church by architect Robert Fellowes Chisholm.  Stephen Triffitt plays Frank Sinatra and gets away with it. As long as one doesn’t focus on the detail, it’s a faithful rendition. He’s got...