Wednesday, October 9

Tag: The Book of Will

The Book of Will – Shakespeare North Playhouse
North West

The Book of Will – Shakespeare North Playhouse

For those amongst you who are fans of Shakespeare’s amazing plays – it is unbelievable to think that if his Kings men friends  John Heminge and Henry Condell had not had the courage and devotion in 1619 (3 years after the playwright’s death) to gather his works in the first folio , that a lot of his works of art (up to 18) would be lost to history forever. The likes of King Lear, Romeo and Juliet, the Tempest, Measure for Measure, Julius Ceasar, Macbeth and A Midsummer nights’ dream, may never have been in our lives at all. Following the bard’s death in 1616, his works were strewn across the city of London. During the times that the plays were shown at the Globe in London, the actors were only given their own lines, as to not have the plays stolen or lost. During these times and af...