Friday, March 7

Tag: Small Beer Theatre

Edward II – Courtyard Theatre

Edward II – Courtyard Theatre

The Troublesome Reign and Lamentable Death of Edward the Second, King of England, with the Tragical Fall of Proud Mortimer is a title too long by half but hardly shorter than this abridged adaptation of Marlowe’s malleable history. Cut down to a run time of a mere fifty minutes by the Small Beer Theatre company this fun size production powers through pages of plot at an astonishing pace. Beginning with the recall of controversial courtier and king’s favourite Piers Gaveston (Ciaran Barker) to Edward II’s (Alex Levy) well fashioned domestic abode and ending with a slew of homebrewed murders, the play’s middle section is populated with brief love scenes and extensive ireful monologues. Gaveston’s sway (and bend) over the delicate monarch draws the wrath of Queen Isabella (Zoe Mavri...