Saturday, September 14

Tag: Slade Wolfe Enterprises Ltd

After Shakespeare: Richard III – the Space Triplex

After Shakespeare: Richard III – the Space Triplex

We have heard many tales of Richard III, not many of them are favourable, and Shakespeare wrote the play Richard III casting Richard in a bad light too.  Theatre and film company Slade Wolfe Enterprises Ltd wish to look at Richard through a kinder lens, he had much to contend with, but was he the villain that he was made out to be by Shakespeare.  This play analyses the period between 1464-1485 charting the period of boyhood, through to his death…he was only thirty-two years old when he died in 1485, when fighting as King, he died at the Battle of Bosworth Field.  This period is history was remarkably busy for coronations, as the monarchy changed five times, Edward IV, Henry VI, Edward IV (again), Edward V and then Richard III himself.  The War of the Roses ensur...