Wednesday, May 8

Tag: Simon Friend Entertainment

The Da Vinci Code – Wolverhampton Grand
West Midlands

The Da Vinci Code – Wolverhampton Grand

I got half way through the book of Da Vinci Code and gave up, I got half way through the film of the Da Vinci Code and gave up. I got half way through the play of the Da Vinci Code and stayed. Whether that is a comment on this production or my poor concentration skills, I don’t know, but this was well worth staying for. Now then, if you haven’t been sitting in a cave for the latter part of the twentieth century you’ll be more than aware of the phenomenally successful best-seller, “The Da Vinci Code” by Dan Brown, it sold by the barrow load and, even if this reviewer stumbled at chapter ten, many others plundered through it merrily prompting a Hollywood movie starring Tom Hanks. It would seem inevitable, then someone should have a stab at staging it and Simon Friend Entertainment have d...