Monday, February 10

Tag: Sherry Coenen

Tempest – Pleasance Theatre

Tempest – Pleasance Theatre

The production of the Tempest by Wildcard Theatre, currently running at the Pleasance Theatre is rather like the two-headed beast that Caliban and Trinculo create in act 2 scene 2 of Shakespeare's play, having two heads.  One head is a serious attempt to present Shakespeare's famous play, the other the desire for a light-hearted music inspired evening.  Instead of working together towards a common purpose the tension between them detracted from what could have been an extremely fine and inventive production. Pleasance Theatre’s main auditorium was a set out with tables rather than banks of auditorium seats, and the production took place on revolving stage, bare except for a metal construction of steps and stairs which was used inventively by the director, James Meteyard, for t...