Sunday, December 22

Tag: Shake It Up

10/400 – Celebrating The 400th Birthday of Shakespeare’s First Folio – The Library of Birmingham

10/400 – Celebrating The 400th Birthday of Shakespeare’s First Folio – The Library of Birmingham

The Library of Birmingham was the setting, and the team behind the ‘Everything To Everybody’ project collaborated with bardic improvisers, The School of Night, and Shake It Up, to host a free for all event.  Celebrating its 10th birthday, the Library of Birmingham played centre stage to bring together likeminded individuals to play homage to Shakespeare’s work, in the form of the First Folio. The ‘Everything to Everybody’ project is a partnership between the University of Birmingham and Birmingham City Council, and funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund, and History West Midlands; to engage the community of Birmingham with their own heritage, and to revive the world’s greatest Shakespeare Library which is housed in the Shakespeare Memorial Room within the Library of Birmingha...