Saturday, February 8

Tag: Ryan Early

Abigail’s Party – Park Theatre

Abigail’s Party – Park Theatre

What’s the word for when something just works? When you find a bag that perfectly matches your shoes, or you make every green light on your way to work, or you discover the perfect synergy of someone’s least favourite chocolate being your favourite, and vice versa, meaning that you can get rid of the underwhelming soft centres and enjoy all the toffee-filled goodness your heart desires. Whatever that word is, it’s how I felt about last night’s production of Abigail’s Party at the Park Theatre in Finsbury Park. The casting, the performances, the staging, the design – everything just worked, coming together to create a glorious night of theatre. I’d never been to the Park Theatre before but will definitely be back. Last night’s performance took place in the smaller of the spaces there wit...