Tuesday, March 11

Tag: Ron Hutchinson

Ghosts of the Titanic – Park Theatre

Ghosts of the Titanic – Park Theatre

The play is set in New York six months or so after the Titanic sank, and interest in the tragedy is waning. A young lady, who describes herself as the fiancé of one of the musicians, arrives trying to resolve some of the unexplained questions about the sinking. Why was there confusion about which tunes the band were playing as the ship went down? Why were the lookout's binoculars locked away? Why were the original distress calls ignored? Why did the ship set sail with a fire on board? Her questioning leads to issues surrounding the construction of the vessel, and even more sinister motivations for wanting the ship never to complete her maiden voyage. Playwright Ron Hutchinson has inventively used this most enduring of disaster stories to raise questions about conspiracy theories. These ...